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Sips after the slopes
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Sips after the slopes

Après-Ski recipes you’ll love

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what is mezcal

What is Mezcal?

Posted: April 15, 2019

Both produced in Mexico from the piña (the core) of the agave plant, Mezcal and Tequila do share

spring cocktails for showers

Spring Cocktails

Posted: April 8, 2019

After a long Maine winter we are ready for some springy libations, so bring on the fruity, bubbly

Cocktails made with beer

Cocktails with Beer

Posted: March 28, 2019

There is no hiding that Maine is making some great beer these days!

Maine Maple Sunday

Maine Maple Sunday

Posted: March 18, 2019

Maine Maple Sunday is held on the fourth Sunday in March.


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The Maine Spirits App

Discover cocktail recipes you can make with the ingredients you already have on hand! Select your ingredients, and let the Create a Cocktail app match them with our collection of cocktail recipes.

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If you choose to drink alcohol, Maine Spirits asks that you drink responsibly.

If you think you have a drinking problem, you should seek professional help.

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