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Eton Mess

Make It Yourself

Spirit Ingredients:


Food Ingredients and Preparation

10 small meringue cookies

1 lb fresh strawberries, green stems removed

2 TBSP Cointreau for strawberry mixture + 1 TBSP for whipped cream

2 TBSP granulated sugar for strawberry mixture  + 1 TBSP for whipped cream

1 1/2  C cold heavy cream


Cut up all but 3-4 strawberries into small pieces, add the sugar and mash with a fork. Cut the remaining strawberries into quarters and add them to the strawberry mixture and mix. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Crush up meringue cookies into large pieces. Set aside.

Whip heavy cream until thick, add the sugar and Cointreau and whip again until the consistency of soft peaks. Set aside.

Arrange the dessert in a tall wine or cocktail glass: layer of whipped cream, followed by a layer of strawberry mixture, followed by the crushed meringues. Repeat layering until you reach the top of the glass. Eton Mess is best served and enjoyed right away, but the 3 individual components can be prepared in advance. 


If you choose to drink alcohol, Maine Spirits asks that you drink responsibly.

If you think you have a drinking problem, you should seek professional help.

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