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Baileys Salted Caramel Martini

Make It Yourself


3 oz
Baileys Salted Caramel Irish Cream Liqueur
2-4 tbsp
Caramel Sauce
1.5 oz
3 oz
1 Cup
Sea Salt
Dark Chocolate Flakes


Serves: 2

1. A little at a time, spoon or pour the caramel sauce around the edges of two small coupe glasses, slowly so it drips and drizzles (1-2tsp per glass).
2. Add gold leaf (use a small dry paint brush).
3. Add the Baileys salted caramel and the rest of the caramel sauce to a cocktail shaker, mix with a spoon until smooth.
4. Add the vodka, cream and lots of ice, shake well to dissolve the caramel sauce, strain into the glasses.
5. Top with the chocolate.


If you choose to drink alcohol, Maine Spirits asks that you drink responsibly.

If you think you have a drinking problem, you should seek professional help.

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