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Rhubarb Splash

Make It Yourself


2 oz
Back River Gin
1 oz
Rhubarb Shrub
Tonic Water


Add Back River Gin and Rhubarb Shrub to glass with ice, fill with tonic and garnish with rhubarb rib.

*Rhubarb Shrub Recipe:

2 lbs rhubarb
1 Cup White Wine Vinegar
1 Cup Sugar (Granulated)
1. Combine the rhubarb (chopped 1/4" thick), white wine vinegar and sugar in a saucepan, over medium-high heat. Stir to break rhubarb down.
2. When brought to a boil, reduce heat to low. Cook until rhubarb has broken down completely, or roughly 10 minutes, stirring occassionally.
3. Remove from heat, and pour through a colander lined with a layer of cheesecloth to strain and remove the particles of rhubarb. Allowing the mixture to strain completely may take up to half of an hour. Discard the leftover rhubarb solids when finished.
4. Pour the shrub into a jar to cool, then store in the refrigerator once it has reached room temperature.


If you choose to drink alcohol, Maine Spirits asks that you drink responsibly.

If you think you have a drinking problem, you should seek professional help.

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